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Writer's pictureAnh Tran

Large Format Camera

The camera is mounted on a tripod. The trade-off is the huge negative and complete control. Large format camera is completely manual. There is no autofocus or auto exposure. In order to check the lighting, we used a DSLR camera and point it at the large format camera’s screen to check the light. Therefore, we know which lighting we need and how it can be set up. In order to get the right focus, we had to adjust the length from the front to rear standard. Depends on the subject.

The front and back panels move independently of each other in a series of movements called rise, fall, shift, tilt and swing. This gives the photographer control over converging verticals, the plane of focus and depth of field within the image. This allows photographer to take photograph from different angles.

There is no viewfinder – I look at the image on a ground glass screen under a dark cloth and use a loupe to magnify the image to check for sharp focus. The iamge on the glass screen will look like this, the subject will be reversed upside down. We had a magnifying loupe then put it on the screen, put a dark cloth cover us then we can check wherether the image is clear or not. Also, we had a chart so the model could hold it in front of their nose so we could get the accurate settings as well. We also use a light meter to calculate the exposure values.

Before we start, we have to make sure we got the right aperture then sliding levers to input the shutter speed and aperture settings by hand. Before any shots taken, we had to make sure that the shutter is closed so it doesn’t expose the film just yet. Lens close, wind push to the side of cable release.

The film has to be loaded in the film holder, the film holder has 2 sides so we could take 2 photographs then we can go and process after. We used photographic paper then cut it to the size of 5x4. Also, the emulsion is facing the right way in the holder. The top of the film holder is colour coded so we can tell whether the film inside is exposed or not. The process of loading paper was not easy, it took me awhile to get use with it. We had to take the paper into the darkroom to load. I used some masking tape to label each side of the film holder so I know which one I will shoot with first and after. I then slide the paper inside, had to make sure it fully in otherwise the paper will be exposed before we took any pictures.

After everything has been done properly, we went ahead with our pictures.

1. Setting up a tripod – we had to make sure that tripod legs are properly locked.

2. Mount the camera firmly on the tripod.

3. Unfold the rear standard setting in a 90-degree vertical position then tighten the bracing knobs to secure the rear standard in place.

4. Run the retaining screw through the base of the front standard support securing it to the focus bed and positioning it correctly for the focal length of the lens.

5. Bring the front standard into place and secure the tilt shift knobs.

6. Open the shutter allowing the lens to project the scene onto the ground glass to see the dim inverted ground glass image.

7. After that, I had a dark cloth put over the rear standard which will darkens the ground glass allow me to see the image.

8. Using a magnifying loupe to go under the dark cloth to focus the lens and make sure that the image on the ground glass is sharp in all the places. Furthermore, the model holds a chart which contains f stops on it so we can focus and adjust the settings a bit better.

9. Take a meter reading and make my final shutter speed + aperture selection.

10. To focus, I used tilt shift and swing movements to compose.

11. Before I headed to take a photograph, I had to make sure that the lens close, the wind needed to be at the direction of the cable release. Also, the paper is loaded properly in the darkroom.

12. Insert the film holder gently into the rear standard.

13. Double check that the lens is closed, and the camera is light tight then remove the dark slide. I then ready to expose the image!

14. When the paper has been exposed, I reinserted the dark slide shielding the paper. Repeat with other side of the film holder then I removed it.

15. Process the prints in the darkroom and here are my results:

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